Summer Travel Inspiration.
Traveling: your modeling career would be limited without it. Building your book, gaining experience, and widening your knowledge as a model are fundamental to having a successful international career.
Models like Malaika Firth, Taylor Hill, Anabel Krasnotsvetova, and Devon Windsor are always jet setting around the world. Surely, traveling as a model can be both a pleasure and a task. But hey, these locations may be a summer daydream for us… Am I right or am I right?
Malaika Firth
She may have become a mainstay on the runway, but this East African princess is always on the go. From London to Dubai, Malaika’s Instagram (@malaikafirth) is definitely on our top list when it comes to summertime inspiration.
Taylor Hill
Italy, France, Korea… Where will she go next? If Taylor’s model career and trips were an Instagram photo, we’d definitely double tap. But I guess keeping up with her travel diary on Instagram (@taylor_hill) will do.
Anabel Krasnotsvetova
Besides from being on several magazine covers, this Russian beauty never ceases to amaze us with her Instagram photos (@annkras). She may spend most of her time in NYC and Moscow, but Anabel’s geo tags are among our top summer destinations.
Devon Windsor
Dreamy destinations? Check. Traveling in style? Check. Yup, Devon’s Instagram (@devwindsor) has got it all, from the VS runway to the most beautiful destinations in the world.